Thursday, April 15, 2010
[13] goodbye winter
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Old Town Doors [8], [9], [10], [11] and [12]
[8] My Front Door
I walked past this door on one of my frequent strolls through the Old Town of Lyon. I find it rather pretty and love the colours and architectural elements.
[10] Older than Columbus
Ok, so, perhaps this door and/or building is NOT older than Columbus, but it's been around longer than some countries, definately longer than the French Republic (of 1789.) If doors could talk....
[11] Musée Gadagne
This is one of the doors to the Musée Gadagne, the Museum of the History of Lyon. I havent been in yet, but once I find a spare 4 euro in my shoe (or somewhere else), I'll go. The building is pretty amazing from the exterior, it was built in the early 1500s by Pierrevive brothers and named Gadagne after it's subsequent owners, the Gadagni. It was aquired by the city in 1902, and became a museum in 1921. In case you wanted to know.
[12] What used to be...
I found this on the way to one of my (numerous) (unsuccessful) job interviews, back before I started working (you know, 2 weeks ago). It's amazing. I love the stains and can't help but think what was it used for and why is it not used anymore?
Thats it for now.
xx a.
Friday, March 5, 2010
[7] A Place to Live
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
[6] Another Beginning

Just over a week ago I decided to move to Lyon. I arrived last Saturday and I'm in the process of getting set up here, even though I'm only going to stay for 3 months. However, the stresses of apartment- and job-hunting have not prevented me from exploring a little.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Spanish Apartments [5]

unfortunately, this is one of the few photos of barcelona that i copied onto my computer before i lost my camera in paris.
i took so many photos is both barcelona and paris, of the sights, the people and the architecture, but i lost my camera on my last day before i went to the alps.
goodbye photos of modernist materpieces of architechture with undulating windows and doors.
goodbye eiffel tower
goodbye parisian shutters in montmarte
should be thankful that at least some photos of spain were salvaged.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Poland no's [2] [3] and [4]

[2] southern poland. (piaski, sosnowiec)
if it wasn't for the language... would have sworn it was south america. not that i've been to south america. it's just what i imagine it's like. (but with more sunshine, perhaps).
the bars on the windows may be a bit much, since the shop only sells pepsi, coke, drinks, wine and beer. (or so the sign says).
Looking Back/Starting Fresh
number [1]
the view out of my aunt's window, poland
I love this photo. It always feels like home in this apartment.
I was born in southern Poland, almost 21 years ago.
I spent many christmas's here, many birthday and many sleepless jet-lagged mornings.
Although I don't live there anymore, and find most of the region depressing, this photo fills me with nostalgia, and a pensive kind of happiness.
It may not be worth much, photographically, but it was where I started the year, and where I want to start this project.